4 Bit Use-Cases: Build Micro Frontends and Design Systems

How to use Bit to unlock a fast, meaningful impact?

Jonathan Saring
Bits and Pieces


Welcome friend, to the component revolution.

Bit transforms modern frontend development into a modular composition of components, to unlock powerful benefits for your team.

Bit extends the advantages of microservices to everything you build. With Bit, you will be able to split development between autonomous teams, compose independent features, and continuously integrate to build world-class apps.

Whether you wish to build micro frontends, reuse components in a private marketplace, or get adoption for a design system, Bit will go a long way.

So, where should teams start?

Here are 4 use-cases for gaining a fast yet meaningful impact with Bit. These reflect how many world-class teams, whose products you use daily, chose to unlock the benefits of Bit to better build frontend applications together.

  1. Micro Frontends (Autonomous Teams)
  2. Component Marketplace
  3. Design Systems (Distribution & Adoption)
  4. Rapid App Development and Delivery

To learn more about how Bit can help unlock these benefits for you just drop a ping to our experts and we’d be happy to share our experience.

1. Micro Frontends (Autonomous Teams)

Micro Frontends are how you can split frontend development into smaller, decoupled features and codebases. It’s how many teams can collaborate on one large app, while each independently develops and delivers features.

Bit is a battle-tested solution run in production by Fortune-500 teams to build micro frontends with components. By splitting the frontend monolith, teams enjoy maintainable codebases, autonomous development, independent releases, and incremental upgrades. In the cloud, teams collaborate on each other’s components and continuously integrate and build in harmony.

What’s the game-changer?

  • Split frontend development between teams, developing components in decoupled codebases and integrating with each other in build-time.
  • Autonomous teams can work smoothly side by side on one large application, yet develop and deliver features separately.
  • Each feature is independently developed in its own codebase, built, tested, versioned, and released independently to production.
  • Integrate components in build-time, which is now super-easy with Bit, to compose components and not worry about runtime at all.
  • Superior dev experience: Integration happens in the dev environment and communication is via programmatic APIs. Also, enjoy simple debugging, the ability to use types, breakpoints, etc.
  • Scale collaboration on components to many teams and applications in a standardized manner to accelerate and scale frontend development.
  • Use Ripple-CI to release fast automated updates and continuously integrate changes across all impacted applications.

Learn more about how we build Micro Frontends at Bit or contact our experts to get a demo and learn how it works for you.

2. Component Marketplace

A component marketplace sometimes referred to as a “mini-app” marketplace, is a central hub where the organization hosts and reuses all of its software building blocks. In other words, it’s where all your components are.

Bit.dev the world’s best and only component marketplace solution provided as a service. It’s enterprise-grade in every way and provides all features out of the box. Bit empowers organizations with a “Lego-box” where all developers can push, discover, and reuse every component.

This means much faster development, less time and effort spent re-inventing the wheel, and 100% focus on innovation.

What’s the game-changer?

  • Enterprise-grade component hub with all features out of the box.
  • All the organization’s reusable code in one central place.
  • Semantic search and discoverability for components — find in seconds. Smart filtering for component weight, dependencies, labels and more.
  • Automated visual documentation for components- generated from the code, always updated, and rich with props, API reference, visually rendered examples, and customizable with all the latest techs like MDX.
  • View Adoption Metrics to understand how and where components are used and the impact of components across teams and apps.
  • Super easy for devs to push reusable components to the hub with Bit right from any codebase.
  • Built-in world-class registry that supports npm, yarn, and Bit.
  • Give leadership visibility to all tech assets they have. Make it easy for product managers and others to plan new features based on the available components, so cut delivery times and ensure consistency.
  • Get fast automated updates to components across all projects.
  • Less code is reinvented, and more innovation is delivered.

3. Design System (Distribution & Adoption)

A component-based design system can grant your applications both visual and functional consistency, helping to make your users feel at home and easily navigating their way in your products and growing love for your brand.

If a component library is like a CD-Rom (hard-coded, hard to change, one cumbersome package) Bit is like ‘Spotify’ for components. It takes components to the cloud, making it easy for every developer to discover, experience, and adopt them. And, it creates a collaborative ecosystem where everyone can contribute new versions and build consistently together.

What’s the Bit game changer?

  • Don’t just build a library; Build a rich eco-system of components that gets adoption and collaboration from every team in the organization.
  • Build, document, version, and distribute independent components for everyone to use: UI primitives, hooks, styles, and much more.
  • Get the world’s best and only component marketplace as a service to host and collaborate on components in the organization.
  • Enjoy great discoverability and visual experience for components with smart indexing and search to easily find and filter any component.
  • Save time with automated documentation generated from the code on every release and enriched with props, APIs, and visual rendering.
  • Increase adoption by making it easy to integrate components, and even locally modify components without help from the DS team.
  • Make it easy for every developer to contribute and suggest changes to components or new components for review.
  • Unlock designer and developer collaboration on the next level — directly on production components, in a fully visual way.
  • Build and reuse component templates; Easily share styles, themes, and dev environments to standardize development for components.
  • Modular Theming: With Bit a theme is just another component — letting you quickly add new themes to support the same theming APIs (e.g. css-vars). Since theme-providers are also components, you can easily support theming, and quickly “repaint” all your websites in seconds.
  • View Adoption Metrics to understand how and where components are used and the impact of components across teams and apps.
  • Integrate Bit with other tools like Zeplin, Figma, and even GitHub to create one smooth and fast workflow from design to production.
  • Ripple CI (coming) will continuously integrate updates to components between all applications in the organization — with visual previews.

Learn more about how we build our design system with Bit or get a demo.

4. Rapid App Development and Delivery

Speed of delivery is the #1 critical factor for nearly every industry-leading dev team today. Time to market and delivery of high-quality applications and features into the hand of consumers is key to business success.

Bit accelerates delivery unlocking 2 superpowers: The reuse of all components, and empowering teams to develop and release independently multiple times a day.

What’s the game-changer?

  • Streamline reuse for 100% of your components through a centralized enterprise-grade component marketplace with all features built-in.
  • Reuse components to deliver features faster and greatly reduce time and resources spent on re-inventing code.
  • Empower product teams to build and deliver components independently, to unlock faster incremental releases.
  • Each feature is developed and versioned independently so it can be released and upgraded without waiting or bloating versions.
  • Continuously integrate changes to components across all your applications to accelerate time to market on changes.
  • Continuously roll out upgrades, hotfixes, and rollbacks to production.
  • Standardize innovation with reusable and customizable component templates, dev environments, build pipelines, and documentation.

Let us show you

You can start on your own by simply joining the platform — it’s free! Then you can follow the docs or one of many available resources to get going.

Or, you can get in touch with one of our solution experts and architects to get feedback and discuss the right solutions for your team:

Either way, enjoy Bit and happy building!

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I write code and words · Component-driven Software · Micro Frontends · Design Systems · Pizza 🍕 Building open source @ bit.dev