Best Practices for Reusable Components in Enterprise Apps

Enterprise applications for the composable enterprise — best practices for creating reusable components.

Vidura Senevirathne
Bits and Pieces


Enterprise applications are software programs designed to address the specific and complex needs of businesses, such as managing large-scale data, facilitating collaboration, and automating processes. These applications are typically developed to support an organization’s critical functions and operations.

In enterprise application development, reusable components are vital in creating scalable and manageable solutions. These components provide a way to build applications with flexibility and adaptability, enabling companies to respond efficiently to changing needs and market dynamics. By reusing existing components, developers can save time and effort by avoiding duplication and simplifying maintenance tasks.

So, in this article, I will discuss some of the key best practices that can help developers create high-quality reusable components for business applications.

What’s unique about Enterprise Applications?

As businesses grow, the cost of development and operations in enterprise applications can quickly spiral out of control. Hence, businesses often turn to Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software to minimize costs while leveraging the benefits of enterprise applications.

While COTS minimizes costs, it doesn’t meet the challenges of different teams and departments in the organization, But reusable components ensure flexibility and a solution that meets everyone’s needs.

Here are some critical pain points in enterprise applications and how reusable components can help mitigate them:

  1. Consistency and Standardization: Enterprise applications often involve multiple development teams working on different modules or features. This can lead to inconsistencies in the user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX), and overall application behavior. Reusable components provide a standardized and consistent approach to UI/UX elements, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across the application.
  2. Authentication and Security: Authentication and authorization mechanisms are crucial in enterprise applications, especially when dealing with sensitive data and user access controls. Implementing authentication logic consistently across different modules and applications can be complex and error-prone. Reusable authentication components provide a secure and standardized approach to user authentication, ensuring consistent security practices throughout the enterprise application ecosystem. These components can handle common authentication tasks such as user login, session management, and role-based access control, reducing the development effort and minimizing the risk of security vulnerabilities.
  3. Shared Experience and Collaboration: Enterprise applications often serve multiple departments, teams, or user groups within an organization. Each team may have its specific requirements, workflows, and user experiences. Reusable components allow for customization and personalization to accommodate individual needs while maintaining a shared core experience.
  4. Rapid Development and Time-to-Market: Reusable components significantly accelerate the development process by providing pre-built, tested, and validated functionality. Development teams can leverage these components to quickly assemble application features, reducing development time and speeding up time-to-market. Moreover, by abstracting common functionalities into reusable components, teams can focus more on implementing domain-specific logic and addressing unique business requirements.

You can use tools like Bit to easily build reusable components in an independent environment and compose them into new apps and features. At the same time, organizations can use, to host, share, and collaborate on components. Every new component added to the organization will become a building block for every application allowing everyone to build on each other and stay in sync.

Best Practices for Reusable Components

Now, let’s explore some best practices for using reusable components in enterprise applications.

1. Standardize Naming Convention

Standardizing naming conventions makes it easier for developers to identify and use components across different projects and teams. It helps to avoid confusion and ensure that components are named in a way that accurately reflects their purpose and functionality.

For example, here are some of the actions you can take;

  • Use a prefix or suffix such as “btn” for buttons or “form” for form components to indicate the component type.
  • Use a naming convention that reflects the component’s purpose, such as “card” for components that display information in a card format.
  • Use a consistent casing convention like camelCase or kebab-case across all components.
  • Use a naming convention that can be easily translated.
  • Maintain documentation on naming conventions for new developers.

2. Keep Components Simple

Components that are overly complex and difficult to understand can be challenging to reuse in different contexts. They can also lead to confusion and errors, increasing the risk of bugs and technical debt.

To ensure simplicity in components, adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Singular Responsibility: Design components with a well-defined and limited scope, focusing on performing a specific task or function. By assigning a singular responsibility, components become more self-contained, enabling them to be easily integrated into various applications.
  2. Avoid Hard Coding: Refrain from hard coding values within components. Instead, use configurable properties or parameters that allow for flexibility and customization. This ensures that components can be adjusted and reused across different contexts without modifying the component’s internal code.
  3. Clear and Concise Code: Strive for clarity and conciseness in component implementation. Adopt coding practices that enhance readability and understandability for other developers interacting with the component. Well-named variables, consistent formatting, and adherence to established coding conventions contribute to the maintainability and reusability of the component.

By adhering to these principles, developers can create simpler components with a clear purpose, promote reusability, and facilitate easier maintenance and integration into diverse applications.

3. Document Components

Documenting reusable components correctly is essential to ensure their effective usage and understanding by other developers. Here are some guidelines to help you.

  1. Provide a clear and concise description: Provide a brief but informative description of the component. Explain its purpose, functionality, and how it can be used in a project. This description should give readers a high-level understanding of what the component does.
  2. Specify input and output: Clearly define the inputs required by the component and the expected outputs it produces. This includes parameters, data types, and any constraints or assumptions.
  3. Provide examples and use cases: Demonstrate the component’s usage by providing code examples or scenarios where it can be applied. These examples should cover different scenarios and show how to integrate the component into different contexts.
  4. Document dependencies and requirements: Identify any dependencies or prerequisites required for the component to function correctly. Document the versions, libraries, or frameworks that must be installed or integrated.
  5. Explain configuration options: If the component has configurable options or settings, document them clearly. Describe each option, its purpose, and the acceptable values or formats.
  6. Document known limitations or caveats: Document any known limitations, potential issues, or caveats that users may encounter. This helps developers understand the component’s boundaries and avoid unexpected behaviour.

Documentation is an ongoing process. As the component evolves or new use cases emerge, update the documentation accordingly. Regularly review and improve the documentation based on user feedback to ensure it remains clear, comprehensive, and useful.

If you are using Bit to create your components, it will provide separate documentation to maintain usage and the other information related to each component.


4. Test Components Thoroughly

By building individual components, you can focus on testing the specific functionality and behaviour of each component in isolation. This approach offers several advantages:

  1. Simplified testing scope: When you test a single component, you can concentrate on verifying its expected behaviour without the complexities introduced by other components or dependencies.
  2. Improved test coverage: Testing individual components increases the likelihood of achieving comprehensive test coverage. By targeting a specific component, you can write test cases that cover various input combinations, edge cases, and boundary conditions that the component may encounter.
  3. Faster debugging and troubleshooting: When a test fails for a specific component, it becomes easier to identify and isolate the root cause of the issue. With a narrowed-down scope, you can pinpoint the problem within the component itself, making it faster and more efficient to debug and troubleshoot.
  4. Encourages test-driven development (TDD): Testing individual components aligns well with the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD). With TDD, you write tests for a specific component before implementation, ensuring that the component is thoroughly tested and bugs are addressed early in the development cycle.

Additionally, automating the testing process significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual testing. This is especially beneficial when testing multiple components or running tests repeatedly during the development and integration phases.

Tools like Bit can indeed be helpful in pre-baking and testing your components. Bit allows you to isolate, test, and document individual components, making it easier to develop, share, and reuse them across different projects and teams. By incorporating testing as part of your component development workflow, you can ensure that each component is thoroughly tested and functions as expected before integrating it into larger systems.


5. Version Control

Version control is another critical best practice for creating reusable components in enterprise apps. In the context of component-based development, versioning through packages enhances the reusability and manageability of components. A package is a self-contained unit that encapsulates one or more components along with their associated dependencies, configurations, and metadata.

By versioning each component within a package, you establish clear boundaries and dependencies for each piece of functionality. This promotes modularity and enables other developers to easily reuse specific versions of components without worrying about conflicting dependencies or unintended side effects. Furthermore, you can control which component versions are included in a deployment, ensuring that only tested and stable versions are released.

As components evolve, you can easily track and manage these changes by incrementing the version number of a component. This provides a historical record of changes made to components, allowing developers to roll back to previous versions if required.

Additionally, version control enables collaborative development, as multiple developers can work on different versions or branches of a component simultaneously and merge their changes when ready.


Learn more here:


Reusable components provide an efficient way to add customized functionality to enterprise COTS systems without starting from scratch. It saves significant time and effort for developers, and there are specialized tools to help them as well.

For example, Bit is a specialized open-source tool for component-driven development. It allows developers to easily build, test and share independent components with different projects and teams.

This article discussed 5 best practices every developer needs to follow when building reusable components for enterprise applications. I hope these suggestions will help you to speed up your enterprise application development process.

Thank you for reading.

