Designing an Idempotent API in 2024

How To Design an Idempotent API Correctly?

Ruvani Jayaweera
Bits and Pieces



Consider a scenario where a bank’s debit API encounters a failure right after deducting an amount from the client’s account. Despite the lack of a response from the server, the client remains unaware and proceeds to resend the debit call.

However, the client incurs a financial loss.

So, this makes you wonder — How can a service implementation effectively manage messages and data to yield consistent results, even in the event of multiple call attempts?

The explanation for such occurrences often revolves around the concept of idempotency!

What is Idempotency?

Idempotency is a concept in computer science and mathematics that describes an operation or function that, when applied multiple times, has the same effect as if it were applied only once.

Why Do You Need An Idempotent API?

Simply put, there are three main reasons to consider an idempotent API:

  1. Idempotency allows clients to safely retry requests without the fear of causing unintended side effects. In scenarios where network issues, timeouts, or failures occur, clients can resend requests, and the server can handle them without introducing duplicate or unexpected changes to the system.
  2. In distributed systems, communication issues are common. Idempotent APIs enable systems to be more fault-tolerant by allowing clients to resend requests without worrying about adverse effects.
  3. Idempotent operations ensure that repeated requests result in consistent state changes. Whether a request is executed once or multiple times, the system remains in a predictable state.

So, considering this, you’d likely use Idempotent APIs in following scenarios:

  • Requesting details about a user profile using a GET request: Retrieving information via an HTTP GET request is idempotent. Repeatedly fetching the same resource does not alter the resource itself.
  • Clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in an email newsletter: Unsubscribing from a newsletter is often implemented as an idempotent operation. If a user unsubscribes multiple times, they remain unsubscribed.
  • Switching a light on or off using a physical switch: A toggle switch that turns a feature on or off is idempotent. Toggling the switch multiple times has the same effect as toggling it once.

What are the benefits of Idempotent APIs?

By integrating idempotency into your APIs, you ultimately introduce a lot of benefits to your API. This includes key benefits that contribute to the reliability, safety, and efficiency of interactions between clients and servers.

So, here are some of the significant advantages:

  • Safe Retries and Redundancy: Idempotent APIs allow clients to safely retry requests without worrying about unintended side effects.
  • Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems: In distributed systems, communication issues are common. Idempotent APIs enhance fault tolerance by allowing systems to handle retries without causing unintended consequences.
  • Optimized Caching and Performance: Idempotent APIs are more amenable to caching mechanisms. Since repeated requests have the same effect as a single request, caching systems can reliably store and serve responses, improving overall performance and reducing the load on both the client and server.
  • Stateless Operations: Idempotent APIs align well with the principles of statelessness. Stateless systems are easier to scale and maintain.

What are the challenges in designing an idempotent API?

Distributed Systems and Microservices Architecture

Designing idempotent APIs in the context of distributed systems and microservices architecture comes with its own set of challenges.

  • Transaction Boundaries: Coordinating idempotent operations across multiple services within a single transactional context requires a clear understanding of the distributed transaction model.
  • Distributed Caching: Managing cached responses in a distributed and coordinated manner, especially in scenarios involving partial updates, requires careful consideration.
  • Idempotenct Token Management: Each service must generate, validate, and track idempotent tokens, ensuring their consistency across the entire system.

Asynchronous Operations and Event-Driven Architectures

Designing idempotent APIs in the context of asynchronous operations and event-driven architectures introduces specific challenges like below.

  • Event Ordering and Delivery: Guaranteeing that events are processed in the correct order and that duplicate events do not lead to unintended side effects is challenging.
  • Idempotent Event Processing: Ensuring that the processing of events, even if received multiple times, has the same effect as processing it once requires careful implementation.
  • Asynchronous Rollbacks:Coordinating the rollback of changes triggered by asynchronous events, especially when distributed across systems, requires careful planning.

Handling Stateful and Stateless Components

When designing APIs that incorporate idempotency, dealing with stateful and stateless components introduces specific challenges as stated below.

Challenges in Handling Stateful Components:

  • Maintaining Idempotency Across Sessions: Stateful components often involve maintaining session-specific data. Ensuring idempotency across multiple sessions, especially when sessions may have different states, requires careful design to prevent unintended side effects.
  • Session Management and Tokenization: Managing session tokens and ensuring their uniqueness while preventing token reuse across different sessions requires careful session management.
  • Handling Expired Sessions: Deciding whether to allow or reject idempotent requests with expired sessions requires a clear strategy.

Challenges in Handling Stateless Components:

  • Maintaining Idempotency Across Stateless Requests: Stateless components may not have access to session-specific information. Ensuring idempotency across multiple stateless requests without relying on session data requires alternative strategies such as using idempotent tokens.
  • Idempotent Token Handling: Managing tokens without relying on session context requires careful implementation to prevent misuse.
  • Stateless Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that stateless requests are properly authenticated and authorized without relying on session information is crucial.

Best Practices for Designing Idempotent APIs

Idempotent HTTP Methods: GET, PUT, and DELETE

  • GET Method: By definition, the HTTP GET method is idempotent. It retrieves data and does not change the state of the server. Ensure that GET requests are purely for retrieval purposes and do not cause any side effects on the server.
  • PUT Method: The HTTP PUT method is idempotent and is commonly used for updating or creating a resource. When designing a PUT request, ensure that repeating the same request has the same effect as performing it once.
  • DELETE Method: The HTTP DELETE method is idempotent. Design DELETE requests to remove a resource, and ensure that deleting the same resource multiple times has the same result as deleting it once.

Idempotent Endpoint Naming Conventions

While there isn’t a strict standard for naming idempotent endpoints, it’s essential to follow clear and consistent conventions that convey the nature of the operations.

  • Use Explicit Verbs: Use clear and explicit verbs in the endpoint names to indicate the nature of the operation. For example:

GET /users/{id} — Retrieve user information.

PUT /users/{id} — Update or create a user.

DELETE /users/{id} — Delete a user.

  • Indicate Idempotency: Include terms in the endpoint names that explicitly indicate idempotency. This can help developers quickly identify operations that are designed to be idempotent. For example:

PUT /users/{id} — Update or create (idempotent).

DELETE /users/{id} — Delete (idempotent).

  • Include Action Keywords: Include action keywords in the endpoint names to convey the intended action. For example:

GET /retrieve/user/{id} — Explicitly indicates retrieval.

PUT /update/user/{id} — Explicitly indicates an update.

DELETE /remove/user/{id} — Explicitly indicates removal.

  • Include Idempotent Tokens in Resource Names: If your API uses idempotent tokens, consider including them in the resource names or endpoint paths. For example:

PUT /users/{id}/{token} — Update or create a user with an idempotent token.

DELETE /users/{id}/{token} — Delete a user with an idempotent token.

Handling Idempotency in Stateful Scenarios

Handling idempotency in stateful scenarios requires careful consideration of the state maintenance, token management, and transactional aspects of the system. Here are some strategies and considerations for handling idempotency in stateful scenarios:

  • Use Idempotent Tokens: Introduce idempotent tokens to uniquely identify and track idempotent operations. Clients include these tokens in requests, and servers use them to recognize and manage idempotent requests. Tokens can be tied to user sessions or specific transactions.
  • Leverage Session Management: In stateful scenarios, leverage session management to maintain user-specific state. Idempotent tokens can be associated with sessions to ensure that repeated requests within the same session are treated as idempotent.
  • Include Idempotent Information in State: If the state is maintained on the client or server side, include information about idempotent operations in the state. This can help in recognizing and managing idempotent requests within the context of the existing state.
  • Include Idempotent Information in Responses: If applicable, include information about idempotent operations in the responses. This can be helpful for clients to confirm that their requests were recognized and processed in an idempotent manner.

Leveraging Idempotent Headers and Status Codes

Leveraging idempotent headers and status codes is an essential aspect of designing and implementing idempotent APIs.

Idempotent Headers:

  • Idempotent Tokens: Use custom headers, such as an Idempotent-Token header, to pass unique tokens from clients to servers. These tokens help identify and track idempotent operations, preventing duplicates.

POST /resource

Idempotent-Token: abc123

  • Conditional Headers: Leverage conditional headers like If-Match and If-None-Match for idempotent operations. These headers allow clients to perform operations conditionally based on the current state of a resource.

PUT /resource/123

If-Match: “etag123”

  • Timestamps: Include timestamp headers to help prevent replay attacks and ensure that repeated requests within a certain timeframe are recognized as idempotent.

POST /resource

Idempotent-Timestamp: 2022–01–01T12:00:00Z

Idempotent Status Codes:

  • 200 OK: Return a 200 OK status code for successful idempotent operations.
  • 204 No Content: For idempotent DELETE operations, a 204 No Content status code can be returned.
  • 409 Conflict: Use a 409 Conflict status code when a conflict is detected, indicating that the server cannot process the request due to a conflict with the current state.
  • 412 Precondition Failed: The 412 Precondition Failed status code can be used in conjunction with conditional headers (e.g., If-Match) to indicate that the preconditions specified by the client were not met.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: In cases of rate limiting or throttling, use a 429 Too Many Requests status code.

What are the strategies for achieving idempotency?

Request Idempotency Tokens

Include idempotent tokens in requests to prevent duplicates. Clients can include a unique token in requests, and servers can validate and track these tokens to ensure that the same request is not processed multiple times.

Versioning and Compatibility Considerations

Idempotent operations should maintain their consistency across different versions of an API to ensure a seamless and reliable experience for clients.

  • Stable Idempotent Operations: Design idempotent operations to remain stable across different versions of the API. Once an operation is declared idempotent, strive to maintain its behavior, input/output structure, and semantics across API versions.
  • Versioning in Endpoint Paths: Consider incorporating version information into the endpoint paths. For example:

POST /v1/resource

Content-Type: application/json

  • Include Version in Headers: Alternatively, include the API version information in the request headers. This approach allows for versioning without altering the endpoint paths. For example:

POST /resource

Content-Type: application/json

Api-Version: 1

Idempotent Retry Mechanisms

Idempotent retries help ensure that the same operation can be safely retried without causing unintended side effects.

  • Use Idempotent Tokens: Introduce idempotent tokens in the requests to uniquely identify each attempt. Clients generate and include these tokens, and servers use them to recognize and track idempotent requests.
  • Retry-After Header: When a server encounters a rate-limited request, it can respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code along with a Retry-After header indicating the duration the client should wait before retrying.

The diagram below illustrates a typical request/response sequence in a scenario involving idempotent retries, where a distinctive identifier for client requests is employed:

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests

Retry-After: 60

  • Idempotent Retry Logic: Develop client-side retry logic specifically for idempotent operations. This logic should be aware of idempotent tokens and handle retries in a way that ensures the same token is reused for each attempt.
  • Retry Limit: Define a reasonable retry limit to prevent indefinite retry attempts. If a request consistently fails after several retries, the client should consider alternative error-handling mechanisms.

Caching Strategies for Idempotent Operations

Implementing an effective caching mechanism ensures that the same idempotent operation can be served from a cache, avoiding unnecessary processing on the server side.

  • Cache-Control Header: Utilize the Cache-Control header to specify caching directives for a response. Set appropriate directives such as public or private based on whether the response can be cached by intermediaries or only by the client.

Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600

  • Last-Modified Header: Use the Last-Modified header to indicate the timestamp of the last modification to a resource. Clients can use the If-Modified-Since header to check if the resource has been modified since a specific timestamp.

Last-Modified: Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT

  • Cache Expiration Policies:

Define appropriate expiration policies for cached resources using the max-age directive in the Cache-Control header. This specifies the maximum amount of time a cached response is considered fresh.

Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600

What are the tools and technologies for Idempotent API Development?

01: API Gateway Solutions

API gateways play a crucial role in managing and securing APIs, including those designed to be idempotent. Here are some popular API gateway solutions that can be used for developing and managing idempotent APIs are AWS API Gateway, Google Cloud Endpoints,Azure API Management, Kong, NGINX, Apigee and WSO2 API Manager.

02: Distributed Tracing and Monitoring Tools

Distributed tracing and monitoring are essential components of modern application development, providing insights into the performance, reliability, and interactions of idempotent APIs across a distributed system. Here are some popular tools for distributed tracing and monitoring in the context of idempotent API development are OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, Zipkin, Prometheus, Grafana, New Relic, Datadog and AWS X-Ray.

How Can You Test and Validate an Idempotent API?

Testing and validation are crucial aspects of ensuring the reliability and correctness of idempotent APIs. Here are various approaches and best practices for testing idempotent APIs:

  • Unit Testing: Verify the correctness of individual components, functions, or
  • Integration Testing: Ensure that different components work correctly together.
  • Functional Testing: Validate the overall functionality of idempotent APIs.
  • Negative Testing: Validate the API’s resilience to invalid inputs or unexpected scenarios.
  • Idempotent Token Testing: Validate the effectiveness of idempotent tokens in preventing
  • Retry Mechanism Testing:Assess the API’s behavior when clients retry idempotent requests.
  • Load Testing: Evaluate the performance and scalability of the idempotent API.
  • Security Testing: Identify and address potential security vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, the design of idempotent APIs in 2024 requires a holistic approach that addresses the challenges posed by modern architectures.

By adopting best practices, understanding the nuances of idempotency in various scenarios, and leveraging evolving technologies, organizations can build resilient and scalable systems that withstand the complexities of today’s distributed computing landscape.

To explore a sample idempotent API I’ve created, check out my GitHub repository.

Thank you for reading.

