Improving Google PageSpeed Score using Code-Splitting

Gurjit Singh
Bits and Pieces
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2020


Have you ever wondered, why your app is loading slowly? or Why google page speeds score is very low even after you followed the web standards properly? [Disclaimer they do have extremely clear reports for the reasons].

I faced a similar issue while working on where even after following proper web standards our site was scoring poorly mere 22. So I started looking into the google page speeds reports and found that our Time To Load First Byte [TTFB] is extremely poor and one of the major areas to be improved.

NOTE: If you check the scores for ecologi now, they might not be good as lots of devops changes have been made recently.

I got to know about this awesome technique called Code-splitting - This feature allows you to split your code into various bundles which can then be loaded on-demand or in parallel [ webpack official docs ]. In other simple words, you get more fine control over the files which you want to serve and which you don’t.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Code splitting types

Now there are 2 techniques to do code-splitting:-
1. At component level: To split your component's code into multiple bundles. Sometimes your entire page/view’s code is quite big and complex to be delivered in 1 big chunk so you could cut it short into multiple bundles.
Though using this technique is a bit risky in itself as we have to take care of the number of network requests we are making to fetch bundles. So there needs to be a balance.

2. At Route level: To split your entire bundle into multiple small bundles based on the routes. This is generally a common optimization technique followed. But depending upon the needs you could use both as well.

Route level splitting using react-navi

Let's see how to achieve the route level splitting. At ecologi, luckily we were using react-navi, which has inherent support to do this on route level. I am pretty sure that other popular router libraries also do have it. All the details I am about to share are react-navi specific but bear with me as it will be helpful to understand the core idea behind it, so you can use it for other libraries/your own custom routing solutions as well.

Before code-splitting — super slow loading speeds :(

So adding it in react-navi is very simple in fact. All you have to do is dynamically import your module and wrap it within lazy call as shown in the example.

React navi - official example

But just a slight catch here, lazy returns a matcher object. In nutshell, a matcher is an object that creates a bridge between routes and the content/view/data, etc.

But for some reason ( not going into that details ) in our case, we were getting the dynamic data already and we just need the way to get the view. Adding a small snippet to how I achieved it is without using a call to lazy is. Also, note I am using async/await for making the code look nicer, the same things can be achieved using the promised version.

Routes with default exported Leaderboard

getView accepts a promise and dynamic imports return a promise.
Notice in my case, pages/Leaderboard are default exported component as shown below:-

export { default } from "./components/Landing";

Now in case, you have a component which is a named export. You need to change the code for your route as I did on line 9.

Routes with named exported Leaderboard

Tada, you have quickly added code-splitting to your project. Without much sweat, gained a huge performance boost & better scores on google page speeds :).

After code-splitting — blazingly fast loading ❤

Bonus Content

Now in order to verify whether you have truly achieved the code-splitting or not you could use a source-map-analyzer to check if bundles are being properly being generated. Follow the instructions on their npm page for installation and as you can see for me, it’s showing Leaderboard chunk [7.38kb] as below

Leaderboard chunk

Do share how you find this article. If you like my work kindly do show love to it and follow me out on my github handle, as I am working on some cool stuff always.

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