Learn Vue.js from Top 50 Articles in 2018

Krissanawat​ Kaewsanmuang
Bits and Pieces
Published in
16 min readJan 14, 2019


Image by Nordwood Themes

It’s been an amazing year for Vue.js as shown in the State of Vue Report.

From Naturaily Vue 2018 Blog

2019 is a great time to be a developer, and a similarly amazing time to be getting started with Vue.js. Here is a list of 50 articles that made waves and proved themselves as crowd favorites, hopefully, they can help you get up and started with building using Vue.js.

Feel free to comment and add your own suggestions!

Tip: When building a Vue.js App, use Bit to organize and reuse your components. Simply create a collection, share your components into it, and then find and reuse them in any project or app you’re working on. Try it out.

1. I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.

by Sunil Sandhu

An article with 50k Claps that very well explains how different React is from Vue. The difference between the two frameworks was explained by building a fairly standard To Do App that allows a user to add and delete items from the list. By going through the article you get to know CSS difference, how to mutate data (change the date stored), create To Do items, delete items from a list in both Vue and React. Every section has code that helps to serve how both frameworks handle stuff

50325 claps

2. Vue.js 2 Quickstart Tutorial 2017

by Sebastian Eschweiler

A tutorial on Vue.js — a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces. The article starts by introducing how to use Vue.js followed by using Vue-cli to set up a new project and installing the Vue.js 2 library. Use of standard directives like v-for, v-model, v-text is explained along with the code. The article ends by giving a video tutorial that contains the steps described in the text.

28642 claps

3. Vue CLI 3.0 is here!

by Evan You

An informative read on the release of Vue CLI 3.0 and all the rich built-in features that comes with it. Vue CLI 3 comes with full GUI that not only can create new projects, but also manage the plugins and tasks inside the projects. Vue CLI 3 is a great standard build tool behind Vue applications. To make it a future success, Vue CLI should incorporate best practices from both the present and the future into the toolchain.

19461 claps

4. 10 Things You Will Eventually Learn About JavaScript Projects

by The Cat with a Dragon Tattoo

10 most vital things about JavaScript projects that are based on personal experience of the author after going through projects with jQuery, require.js, Angulars, React, ExtJs, and may other. The article will be of great help for people coming from the different background. These 10 points are really great thoughts to summarize development and learning process.

13317 claps

5. Vue.js: the good, the meh, and the ugly

by Pier Bover

Its an article that tells the good, the meh, and the ugly about Vue.js. The author is writing these features after 2 years of his move from React to Vue. Though Vue adoption is increasing it’s still far away from React. The author considers his move from React to Vue as positive. Not because Vue is better, but because it is a better fit for his work.

9273 claps

6. Vue 2 + Firebase: How to build a Vue app with Firebase authentication system in 15 minutes

by Anas Mammeri

A tutorial on how to quickly build a web application with an authentication system using Vue 2, Vue-router and Firebase. The article has step by step guide that demonstrates how to build a small Vue app using Firebase authentication system.

8744 claps

7. The Vue Handbook: a thorough introduction to Vue.js

by Flavio Copes

A handbook on Vue.js that gives you a thorough introduction about Vue.js. The table of contents has everything that tells why Vue.js is popular and different from all the other JavaScript front-end frameworks and view libraries.

8086 claps

8. What’s new in Vue Devtools 4.0

by Guillaume CHAU

A big update on Vue devtools was released at the start of the year 2018. This article elaborates what new features and improvements are included in Vue devtools 4.0. Every section has code along with a video that helps in understanding the new features.

7300 claps

9. Client-side vs. server-side rendering: why it’s not all black and white

by Juan Vega

An article that describes the main differences between server-side and client-side rendering followed by there pros and cons. These details are helpful for developers in deciding which option is best for there website or application.

7286 claps

10. A progressive Web application with Vue JS, Webpack & Material Design [Part 1]

by Charles Bochet

The aim of this tutorial is to create a basic but complete progressive web application (PWA) with VueJS and Webpack, from scratch. The application will meet all the requirements like progressive, responsive, connectivity independent, etc.

5459 claps

11. How not to Vue

by Anton Kosykh

A list of things you must avoid in Vue.js applications. Points mentioned in the article will really help you to understand the Vue.js framework better. The list mentioned in the article can be infinite but it’s enough to give you a fair idea of mistakes that Vue.js developers do.

5371 Claps

12. Five things I learned building a Saas App with Vue.js

by Tim Nolet 👨🏻‍🚀

The writer writes five things he learned about Vue.js while developing a SAAS app called Checkly. A check is a tool for IT Ops and Developer people. The visual design of the app in the article is really impressive.

4731 claps

13. Large-scale Vuex application structures

by Kevin Peters

When writing large-scale applications, managing the state of the frontend is very hard. In Vue.js apps, for instance, there is a Vuex plugin that makes state management very easy. This article explains the Vuex plugin

4678 claps

14. A Vue.js introduction for people who know just enough jQuery to get

by Matt Rothenberg

An article that focuses on showing the ins-and-outs of Vue. The writer uses the CodePen to build “Compose Tweet” component. CodePen is an online HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor similar to JSBin or JSFiddle.

4572 claps

15. Vue.js 2 Quickstart Tutorial 2017

by Sebastian Eschweiler

A tutorial on Vue.js — a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces. The article starts by introducing how to use Vue.js followed by using Vue-cli to set up a new project and installing the Vue.js 2 library. Use of standard directives like v-for, v-model, v-text is explained along with code. The article ends by giving a video tutorial that contains the steps described in the text.

4474 claps

16. The Best Explanation of JavaScript Reactivity 🎆

by Gregg Pollack

An article along with a video that demonstrates how to build the same sort of Reactivity we see in the Vue source code. By understanding what reactivity is and how it works, you can improve your development skills and more effectively use JavaScript frameworks.

4315 claps

17. Doing Vue after three years with React

by Anya Pavlova

An article having just a number of observations that the writer found most significant while transitioning from React to Vue. This article is helpful for people who are dealing with both Vue and React.

3650 claps

18. Structuring a Vue project — Authentication

by Boris Savic

This article is about building a simple project that handles authentication and prepares basic scaffolding to use when building the rest of the app. The component used Vue.js 2.5 and Vue-CLI, Vuex 3.0, Axios 0.18 and Vue Router 3.0.

2746 claps

19. 7 Ways To Define A Component Template in VueJS

by Anthony Gore

This article explains with examples six different ways of defining component templates in Vue and address the pros and cons, so you know which one is the best to use in any particular situation.

2383 claps

20. Vuex getters are great, but don’t overuse them

by Anya Pavlova

An article that talks about Vuex and its getters. The author tried to figure out what Vuex getters are good for and how they work under the hood.

2248 claps

21. Vue + Vuex — Getting started

by WD Stack

An article that with the help of a simple example explains how managing state can be efficient in both Vuex and Vue framework.

1917 claps

22. Using Vue, Vuex, Vue Router with Laravel

by Jyoti Duwal

An article that explains setting up front-end of an e-commerce site using Vue and Laravel to handle the back-end. the article also highlights Components, Vuex, and Vue Router.

1811 claps

23. CRUD App using Vue.js and Django

by Shubham Bansal

A tutorial that illustrates how to make a simple CRUD application using Vue.js 2.x and Django 2.0.2. Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces while Django is a high-level python Development framework that encourages rapid Development.

1642 claps

24. API Authentication in Laravel-Vue SPA using Jwt-auth

by Olu Udeh

A tutorial that takes you through the process of providing authentication for Vue Single Page Application (SPA) to be able to access API endpoints in laravel requiring authentication.

1579 claps

25. Building a movie app interface with Vue.js

by Hassan Djirdeh

This post highlights how to build a Netflix styled movie streaming interface, with Vue.js 2.0.

1539 claps

26. Type Vue without TypeScript

by Rahul Kadyan

This is a practical guide for type checking Vue components written in JS and getting things done. A helpful article for users on how to use Typescript in their projects.

1403 claps

27. How to add Bootstrap 4 to your Vue project

by Bjorn

A tutorial that covers how to add Bootstrap 4 (with customizations) to any Vue.js project. This tutorial focuses at Webpack users and targets version 4 of Bootstrap.

1329 claps

28. Multiple Layouts for VueJS Single Page Apps

by Kasun Vithanage

A tutorial that uses VuetifyJS to style an application and for easy setup. The article addresses a common problem that a Single Page App needs Multiple Layouts to display views.

1172 claps

29 . From Zero to Hero with Vue — But first, why Vue?

by Indrek Lasn

An article that tells What is Vue.js? Has Vue passed React in popularity yet, Why to use Vue?. The author tries to convince readers to give Vue a try.

1043 claps

30. Hybrid Platform Setup: Cordova + Vue + WebPack

by Alistair MacDonald

A step by step guide that outlines the process of setting up a development platform on which you can build Hybrid Mobile apps.

1019 claps

31. Vuex and Typescript

by Francesco Vitullo

An article that shows a basic approach on how to integrate Vuex within a Vue application with a Typescript codebase without diving deeply into Typescript.

966 claps

32. Role Based Authentication using Vue.js 2

by Manoj Kumar S

An article that illustrates how to introduce role based authentication in any application using Vue.js 2.

928 claps

33. Starter template for a MEVN ( MongoDB, ExpressJs, VueJs v2, NodeJs ) Stack Application. ( Part 1 )

by Can Mehmet

A tutorial on MEVAN (MongoDB, ExpressJs, VueJs v2, NodeJs ) Stack Application. This is first part of the series that demonstrates how to build initial frontend and backend skeleton.

918 claps

35. Vue.js 2 State Management With Vuex — Introduction

by Sebastian Eschweiler

This tutorial gives a basic overview about the centralized state management concept and demonstrates how to apply Vuex in your application.

907 claps

36. How Vue-Cli 3 Will Shape Our Future

by Mauro Perez

The author was in charge of the Vuetify templates made under vue-cli 2.x, and he also made vue-cli-plugin-vuetify for the new vue-cli 3. Based on that experience author share his thoughts on how the new vue-cli will forever change the way we all develop with Vue.

800 claps

37. Vue.js Routing With vue-router

by Sebastian Eschweiler

This article demonstrates how we can use the Vue core package vue-router to implement routing in a web application.

746 claps

38. A highly customisable CRUD component using VueJS and Vuetify

by aaron gong

An article on vue-crud-x (a highly customisable CRUD component). As you read you will learn unique features and design philosophies that makes vue-crud-x stand out from the others.

659 claps

39. Vue 2 props and emit — parent to child

by Kevin Hu

A small article that illustrates how to pass and events between parents and child in Vue.

600 claps

40. Using GraphQL Mutations in Vue.js

by Daniel Madalitso Phiri

A tutorial that is continuation of a previous tutorial and author now digs deeper into different Vue and GraphQL concepts. There are some more functionality added to the app (created in previous tutorial) and details are explained.

480 claps

41. Laravel API + Vue SPA Authentication

by Cesar Santana

A tutorial that explains how to implement a concept of authentication a Client in Single Page Apps (SPA) using an access token (OAuth 2.0).

437 claps

42. Dynamic Modules with Vuex and Vue

by Francesco Vitullo

The author share his thoughts regarding the creation of modules with a Vuex’ store.

410 claps

43. Getting Your Company To Switch To Vue

by Anthony Gore

In this article, you will get some compelling arguments that you can use to convince certain decision makers in your company to give Vue a try.

381 claps

44. Deploy Vue.js — SSR(Vuetify) on Production with Pm2 and Nginx.

by KashYap Merai

An article that show you how to deploy a production ready Vue.js — SSR (Vuetify) Application, using Pm2 (production process manager) for Node.JS and Nginx for reverse — proxy.

360 claps

45. Using GraphQL Mutations in Vue.js

by Daniel Madalitso Phiri

A tutorial that is continuation of a previous tutorial and author now digs deeper into different Vue and GraphQL concepts. There are some more functionality added to the app (created in previous tutorial) and details are explained.

190 claps

46. Vue x Hasura GraphQL

by Daniel Madalitso Phiri

In this article a web app is created whose frontend is designed using Vue.js while the backend with Hasura which offers real-time GraphQL for Postgres databases.

189 claps

47. 5+ Best Vue.JS Admin Template 2018

by Jewel Theme

In this article you will explore 9 best admin dashboard templates based on most growing up web technology i.e Vue.js.

186 claps

48. Best Code Editor for Vue.js

by Adam Jahr

This article is for developers who are interested in using VS Code for Vue development, you can follow the article to see how to optimize VS Code.

181 claps

49. Integrating Vue.js 2.0 to .NET MVC5 Project

by Hyounoo Sung

This article is about how to integrate Vue.js 2.0 to .NET MVC5 Project. The article starts by creation of an ASP.NET web application project followed by Vue webpack bundle initialization.

165 claps

50. Vue[.js] from the six

by Amrit Kahlon

This article gives a brief summary of VueConf that is held in Toronto. You will get to know about latest development in Vue, specially the new coming Vue 3.0.

112 claps

Afraid of using a framework with potentially no plan for the future?

Read this post by the founder of the Vue.js Evan You, on where the project is going, and you’ll rest assured that Vue is the framework to use in 2019

Happy Coding 🤓



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