Node.js Performance Myths

Shattering the Illusions: The Truth About Node.js Performance

Mahesh Samarasinghe
Bits and Pieces


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of Google’s V8 engine that has gained popularity over the years. However, its popularity has led to the development of some myths which have prevented some developers from fully utilizing its capabilities.

In this article, we will debunk some of those popular myths and shed some light on the truth behind them. We will cover myths on performance, security, multi-threading, and suitability for complex or real-time applications. By the end of this article, you will be able to make informed decisions on using Node.js in your next project.

Myth 01: Node.js is Slow

In synchronous blocking systems, a new thread is created every time a new request comes in. When there are too many requests, and eventually all the threads are in use, a new request has to wait until a thread becomes idle. As a result, the RAM can get exhausted, resulting in slower performance.

But this is different from how Node.js works.

Did you know that, by switching to Node.js, Netflix reduced its startup time by 70%? Not only that, in 2013, Paypal’s switch to Node.js allowed it to load its pages 35% faster than before.

Yes, you heard it right.

Take how a restaurant operates, for example. After taking the order of the customer 1 and giving it to the chef, until the chef prepares the customer 1’s order, the waiter will proceed to take orders and handle the requests from the other customers. This is similar to how Node.js works.

Thanks to its single-threaded, event-driven architecture, Node.js can handle thousands of connections at the same time, using resources more effectively. Thus, your application becomes comparatively much faster.

Myth 02: Node.js is Unsuitable to Build Complex Architectures.

In my opinion, there is a misconception regarding Node.js development. Sometimes, you may need to upgrade your servers to manage sudden traffic surges and server overloads. However, with a monolithic architecture-based application, everything needs to be scaled together, which can make it difficult to scale individual components. Even if only one part of your application cannot handle the demand, you may need to scale everything up, resulting in considerable wastage of your resources.

But this is not an issue with microservices. When using microservices, developers can develop and manage their applications, unit by unit, separately.

💡 Node.js is a remarkably scalable technology, mainly when used to create serverless architecture and microservices.

You can further increase the modularity and scalability of your Node.js-based microservices by using OSS tools like Bit as the main package and dependencies manager. Bit allows your teams to independently publish, version, document, test, and share individual components such as functions, UI elements, or data models, that can be reused across multiple microservices.

Learn more about this here:

Therefore, you can create powerful, highly scalable web apps based on microservices using Node.js. Following are a few large companies that use Node.js to build their apps:

  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • Trello
  • Uber
  • GoDaddy
  • Medium

Myth 03: Node.js is not scalable

Node.js is a highly scalable technology and is used by many large companies such as Netflix, LinkedIn, and PayPal to build scalable and high-performance applications.

Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections and requests efficiently. Node.js can scale using its own cluster module and also scale horizontally by adding more servers to the network, and it can easily handle load balancing across multiple servers.

Furthermore, Node.js has a massive community and a robust ecosystem of libraries, tools, and frameworks, which can help developers to build scalable and high-performing applications easily.

Myth 04: Node.js is not suitable for CPU-intensive tasks

Node.js is primarily known for its ability to handle I/O operations but Node.js has the ability to handle CPU-intensive tasks effectively. It has a range of modules in its arsenal such as worker threads and child processes to handle CPU-intensive tasks effectively.

Node.js includes a built-in worker_threads module that enables the creation of worker threads within a Node.js process. These worker threads can run JavaScript code in parallel to the main Node.js thread, making it easier to handle CPU-bound tasks. The worker_threads module provides a simple API for creating and managing worker threads, including the ability to send messages between the main thread and worker threads.

Other built-in modules in Node.js, such as the cluster module and the child_process module, also makes it easy to run CPU-bound tasks in parallel. Additionally, there are several third-party libraries and tools available that can help improve Node.js performance for CPU-bound tasks.

While Node.js may not be the go-to choice for all types of CPU-intensive applications, it is certainly capable of handling them effectively when properly configured and optimized. Using worker threads in Node.js can help to take advantage of multi-core CPUs and improve overall performance, especially for CPU-bound tasks that can be broken down into smaller, parallelizable chunks of work.

Myth 05: Node.js does not support multi-threading

Node.js is built on the single-threaded event loop model preventing it from executing more than one threading at once. But the in-built worker threads module has enabled Node.js to run more than one thread in parallel and explore the power of a multi-core processor. While the main thread is handling client requests the worker threads can execute computationally expensive tasks without blocking the main event loop.

Furthermore, Node.js has the ability to create child processes easily using its in-built child_process module. These child processes can communicate with each using a messaging system and enable the Node.js environment to fully utilize the multi-core infrastructure.

So while Node.js itself does not support traditional multi-threading, it does provide alternative approaches that can achieve similar results while still maintaining the benefits of the single-threaded event loop model.

Myth 06: Node.js is not suitable for real-time applications

Node.js is built on an event-driven architecture which has given it the capability to handle a large number of requests without blocking. This makes Node.js an ideal environment to build real-time applications like online games, chat applications, and collaborative tools.

Furthermore, Node.js and its ecosystem provide support to implement real-time communication with technologies such as Websockets which allow for real-time, bi-directional communication between the client and the server.

Overall, Node.js is a powerful platform for building real-time applications, and its event-driven architecture and built-in features make it well-suited for handling large volumes of data and providing fast and responsive communication between the client and the server.


The popularity of Node.js has given the rise to many myths regarding its security, performance, and suitability to build complex and real-time applications. Node.js has a built-in non-blocking event-driven architecture, massive community support, support for microservices and WebSockets and many more factors which have contributed to making it one of the most powerful tools for web application development enabling developers to build fast secure and robust applications.

However, it is important to note that like any technology, Node.js has its limitations and trade-offs, and it may not be the best choice for every use case. Factors such as application architecture, performance requirements, and team skills and preferences should be considered when choosing the right technology stack for a project.

I hope that this article helps you to make an informed decision on using Node.js in your next application. Thank you!

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