The Difference Between Type Aliases and Interfaces in TypeScript

Use TypeScript like a pro

Danielle Dias
Bits and Pieces


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

TypeScript is a popular programming language that is widely used in the technical community for developing large-scale web applications. One of the key features of TypeScript is its ability to work with type aliases and interfaces, which can often be confusing for new developers.

What are Type Aliases and Interfaces in TypeScript?

Before we dive deep into the difference between type aliases and interfaces in TypeScript, let us first understand what these two terms mean in the context of the language.

A type alias in TypeScript is a way of creating a new name for an existing type. It is used to define a new type that is based on an existing type but has a different name. A type alias can be used to simplify complex types, make the code more readable, or to create reusable types.

An interface in TypeScript is a syntactical contract that defines the structure and behavior of an object. It is used to define the shape of an object and the properties and methods it must have. In other words, an interface defines the contract that must be followed by an object.

The main difference between type aliases and interfaces is that type aliases are used to create new names for existing types, whereas interfaces are used to define the shape and behavior of an object.

When to use Type Aliases in TypeScript

Type aliases are commonly used in TypeScript to simplify complex types, make the code more readable, or to create reusable types. They are often used to create more descriptive names for existing types, making it easier to reason about the code and its types. Here is an example:

type UserId = string;

function getUserById(userId: UserId) {
// ...

In this example, we have defined a type alias called UserId that is based on the string type. We have then used this type alias as the type of the userId parameter in the getUserById function. This makes it more clear that the userId parameter is a string that represents a user ID.

Type aliases can also be used to create reusable types. This can make the code more modular and easier to maintain, as the same type can be used in multiple places throughout the codebase. Here is an example:

type Coordinates = {
x: number;
y: number;

function getDistance(a: Coordinates, b: Coordinates) {
// ...

In this example, we have defined a type alias called Coordinates that is based on an object with x and y properties of type number. We have then used this type alias as the type of the a and b parameters in the getDistance function. This makes it more clear that the a and b parameters are objects that represent coordinates.

When to use Interfaces in TypeScript

Interfaces are commonly used in TypeScript to define the shape and behavior of an object. They are used to enforce a certain structure and behavior on an object, making it easier to reason about the object and its usage. Here is an example:

interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
address: string;
sayHello: () => void;

const person: Person = {
name: "John Doe",
age: 30,
address: "123 Main Street",
sayHello: () => console.log("Hello, world!"),

We have then created an object called person that conforms to the Person interface. This means that the person object must have the properties and methods defined in the Person interface.

Interfaces can also be used to enforce contracts between different parts of a codebase. For example, if you have a function that expects an object of a certain shape, you can define an interface for that object to ensure that it conforms to the expected shape.

When to use Type Aliases vs. Interfaces in TypeScript

Now that we understand the differences between type aliases and interfaces in TypeScript, we can discuss when to use each of them.

Type aliases are best used when you want to create more descriptive names for existing types or to create reusable types. They are also useful for simplifying complex types, making the code more readable, and improving code maintainability.

Interfaces, on the other hand, are best used when you want to define the shape and behavior of an object. They are useful for enforcing contracts between different parts of a codebase, making it easier to reason about the code and its usage.

In general, type aliases and interfaces can be used interchangeably in many cases. However, there are some cases where one may be more appropriate than the other.

For example, if you have a type that is a union of several types, a type alias may be more appropriate. On the other hand, if you need to define the shape of an object that will be used in multiple places throughout your codebase, an interface may be more appropriate.

Here is an example of when a type alias may be more appropriate than an interface:

type NameOrAge = string | number;

function printNameOrAge(value: NameOrAge) {

In this example, we have defined a type alias called NameOrAge that is a union of string and number. This makes it clear that the value parameter can be either a string or a number.

Here is an example of when an interface may be more appropriate than a type alias:

interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;

class UserService {
private users: User[];

constructor(users: User[]) {
this.users = users;

createUser(user: User) {
// ...

getUserById(id: number): User {
// ...

updateUser(user: User) {
// ...

deleteUser(id: number) {
// ...

In this example, we have defined an interface called User that defines the shape of a user object. We have also created a UserService class that uses the User interface throughout its public methods.

By using an interface in this case, we have made it clear that the UserService class expects objects that conform to the shape of the User interface. This makes it easier to reason about the code and its usage, as well as ensuring that any objects passed to the class conform to the expected shape.


Type aliases and interfaces are two ways of defining types in TypeScript, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Type aliases are best used for creating more descriptive names for existing types or for creating reusable types. Interfaces, on the other hand, are best used for defining the shape and behavior of an object, enforcing contracts, and making it easier to reason about the code and its usage.

Type aliases cover almost all the features of interfaces, but interfaces can be extended freely, but type aliases cannot, and only & can be used to achieve intersection. Besides that, interfaces can only define new objects, while type aliases can also accept union types, tuple types, etc. So you may need to choose them on a case-by-case basis.

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