Using Netlify for FullStack Apps

A Guide to Use Netlify for your FullStack App.

Bits and Pieces


Using Netlify is a unique experience for any developer. It barely needs any guidance. With few clicks, you can connect your GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket repository and configure CI/CD and hosting in one go.

It also provides a generous free tier, sufficient for low-traffic websites.

Netlify is Unique

Netlify is specialized in hosting frontend static content.

And some of you might wonder how we can connect backends when using Netlify? Netlify also supports Serverless backends.

You can host the frontend and backend both in Netlify and use its Proxy features route traffic accordingly.

So, let’s look at how we can use Netlify to host a full-stack application.

Getting Started

First of all, you need to have the following to try it out;

  • A simple frontend application, ready to publish in a Git repository. You can use this GitHub repository, if you need one.
  • A Netlify account.

Once you have the frontend ready in a Git repository, you can go to your Netlify account and start deploying.

Note: If you use a Monrepo for both backend and frontend, use the Build Path to configure the CI/CD accordingly.

Step 1: Add new site from Git

After you log in to the Netlify account, click the button “New site from Git”.

Select the repository

Then you can authorize to access either GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab accounts and select your frontend application repository from the list.

Select the Git provider

After the bridge between your repository and Netlify is made, we are almost done with the primary setup.

Select the branch

Then, you can select the branch you want to deploy. Typically, the main branch is selected.

Select the branch

Step 2: Configure frontend deployment.

Before deploying the frontend of the application, you need to configure the build commands. For example, if your project is JavaScript-based, the build command is something like npm run build.

Give the build command

Then you can complete the deployment by clicking the Deploy site button. And, you will be able to find the URL of deployed application in the overview tab.

Note: You can change this URL or configure a custom domain you desire by navigating to the site settings.

Step 3: Deploy the API

I have created a simple NodeJS API for the demo. So let’s see how we can deploy it using Netlify.

If you look at the backend project in this GitHub repository, you will notice a file called netlify.toml .

netlify.toml file is a configuration file that specifies how Netlify builds and deploys your site.

Also, I have used serverless-http library and netlify-cli to create this application and you can run it using Netlify dev command.

// Installing serverless http library
npm install serverless-http
// Installing netlify cli
npm install netlify-cli -g

And then, I followed the same procedure as the frontend, to deploy the backend on Netlify.

Note: Keep the build command and publish directory empty for the API deployment

Keep the build command and publish directory empty

Step 4: Proxy configuration

Now, you can go to the URL provided by Netlify and see your application action.

However, if you closely monitor, you will notice that the application’s backend URL is still pointing to directories inside the project folder.

We can use Proxy redirect features of Netlify to solve this.

For that, you need to modify netlify.toml file with the following lines;


This setting will redirect all the API requests to the given URL.

Note: You can also add the proxy configuration to the frontend project, to forward traffic to the API (/api/* -> API_URL/*) so that the entire application runs on the same origin.

Step 5: Configure the Environment Variables

As the final step, I recommend configuring all the environment variables of the application with Netlify to increase security.

You can edit site setting environmental variables by navigating to, Site settings > Build & deploy > Environment > Environment variables

Site setting variables have a higher priority than the team level variables.

Edit environment variables

You can find the team level environment variables by navigating to, Team settings > Sites > Global site settings > Shared environment variables

The team level environment variables

That’s it. I hope you all got a good understanding of hosting full-stack applications with Netlify in this article.

Thanks for reading !!!

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